Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Sopheap Por

Sopheap Por
Status: Raised
$100.00 Loan Request
$100.00 Raised

About the Entrepreneur Name: Sopheap Por
Business Name: Sopheap Por's Silk Production
Location: Khsach Kandal district, Cambodia
Primary Activity: Weaving
Loan Requested: $100.00
Repayment Term: 12 months - repaid monthly
Loan Use: To purchase thread and pay to set up loom for weaving
Date Posted: Dec 5, 2007
Date Funded: Dec 5, 2007

Mrs. Sopheap Por (age 45) and her family live in a small village across the Mekong River about fifteen kilometers north of Phnom Penh. Sopheap and her husband (age 50), married for twenty-one years, have three sons. Their youngest attends primary school in the village. The older two dropped out in secondary school because of the cost. (Even though school is ostensibly free in Cambodia, students are asked to pay direct “fees” which can be prohibitive for poor families.)
Sopheap is requesting this, her first loan with Maxima, to buy thread for weaving and to pay to set up her loom (see photo – unprepared loom). Sopheap has been weaving, a skill she learned from an older sister, for six years. Her husband cuts hair in a small wooden hut next to the sole road that passes through their village. He’s been doing this for thirty years. Sopheap hopes to continue to grow her business so she can support her children’s studies. She expressed enthusiasm that they could perhaps get their oldest son to re-enter school because they believe he has much potential.

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