Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Phally Toem

Phally Toem
Status: Raised
$700.00 Loan Request
$700.00 Raised

About the Entrepreneur Name: Phally Toem
Business Name: Transport
Location: Muk Kampoul district, Cambodia
Primary Activity: Transportation
Loan Requested: $700.00
Repayment Term: 12 months - repaid monthly
Loan Use: To purchase a horse and cart
Date Posted: Dec 17, 2007
Date Funded: Dec 18, 2007

Mr. Phally Toem (age 55) and his family live in a small village near the Mekong River about twenty kilometers north of Phnom Penh. Phally and his wife, Heng Vung (see photo), were married in 1978 in a large group wedding arranged by the Khmer Rouge, who then held power. Phally went to school through the fourth grade, and Heng never attended school. They have seven children, all of whom still live at home with their parents. One daughter has a business as a hairdresser. Three still study in school.

Phally and his wife are requesting this, their third loan from MAXIMA, for $700 to buy a cart and a second horse. Phally will use the horses and cart to haul dirt used for fill on construction projects. In addition to the hauling business, they grow produce (squash) and are currently raising three cows. Heng also sells fish in the market in their village.

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