Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Sar Tam

Sar Tam
Status: Raised
$1,200.00 Loan Request
$1,200.00 Raised

About the Entrepreneur Name: Sar Tam
Business Name: Fishing
Location: Muk Kampoul district, Cambodia
Primary Activity: Fishing
Loan Requested: $1,200.00
Repayment Term: 20 months - repaid monthly
Loan Use: To purchase a fishing boat and motor
Date Posted: Dec 17, 2007
Date Funded: Dec 18, 2007

Mr. Sar Tam (age 67) and his family live in a small village near the Mekong River about twenty kilometers north of Phnom Penh. Sar and his wife, Chet Ror Keas, have been married since 1979. Sar attended school through the second grade, and his wife attended through the fifth. They have four living children; two died in infancy. Of the four still living, three live at home with their parents. The two youngest, both boys, still study in school. The eldest son works in Phnom Penh as a security guard.

They are requesting this, their second loan from MAXIMA, for $1,200 to buy a fishing boat and a boat motor. Sar has been fishing on the nearby Mekong River his entire life. Depending on the season, he fishes in a single boat with one of his sons using a smaller net. During the main fishing season from January through March, they use three boats and a big net. At that time he and his neighbor work together and hire up to ten men to work with them. In addition to taking care of the home and family, his wife sells the fish in the local market.

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