Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Phoy Lois

Phoy Lois
Status: Raised
$400.00 Loan Request
$400.00 Raised

About the Entrepreneur Name: Phoy Lois
Business Name: Selling vegetables
Location: Muk Kampoul district, Cambodia
Primary Activity: Fruits & Vegetables
Loan Requested: $400.00
Repayment Term: 12 months - repaid monthly
Loan Use: To purchase produce for resale in Phnom Penh
Date Posted: Dec 17, 2007
Date Funded: Dec 18, 2007

Ms. Phoy Lois (age 33) lives in a small village near the Mekong River about twenty kilometers north of Phnom Penh. Phoy has one daughter, who attends school in their village. Phoy herself never attended school. Phoy buys produce from farmers, which she then resells at a large market in Phnom Penh. Every day, Phoy leaves her village with her stock of vegetables at about 1:00 a.m., riding in a shared pickup truck. In Phnom Penh, she sells her produce to retailers, and then she returns home by about 5:00 a.m. She has been doing this for ten years and often sleeps only four hours a night. In the attached photo, Phoy is bundling the leaves of the “kon tuit” (starfruit) tree. Cambodians eat these with some fish dishes.

Phoy is requesting her first loan from MAXIMA for $400, to buy produce from farmers to resell at the market in Phnom Penh.

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