Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Mak Pin

Mak Pin
Status: Raised
$100.00 Loan Request
$100.00 Raised

About the Entrepreneur Name: Mak Pin
Business Name: Mak Pin's Silk Production
Location: Khsach Kandal district, Cambodia
Primary Activity: Weaving
Loan Requested: $100.00
Repayment Term: 12 months - repaid monthly
Loan Use: To purchase thread and pay to set up loom for weaving
Date Posted: Dec 5, 2007
Date Funded: Dec 5, 2007

Mrs. Mak Pin (age 50) and her family live in a small village across the Mekong River about fifteen kilometers north of Phnom Penh. Mak and her husband, married since 1977, have five children, three of whom attend school in their village.
Mak is requesting this, her third loan with Maxima, to buy thread for weaving and pay to set up her loom for weaving. Mak has been working at weaving for three years, a skill she learned, along with one of her daughters, from a fellow villager.

Mak's husband and son also make large (~150 liter) urns for storing rainwater. Her husband has been making these for more than twenty-five years. Mak hopes to continue to grow her business so she can support her children’s studies to the highest possible level.

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