Saturday, December 22, 2007

Arifin Kop

Arifin Kop
Status: Reviewed
$600.00 Loan Request

About the Entrepreneur Name: Arifin Kop
Business Name: Fishing
Location: Muk Kampoul district, Cambodia
Primary Activity: Fishing
Loan Requested: $600.00
Repayment Term: 12 months - repaid monthly
Loan Use: To purchase a fishing boat
Date Created: Dec 19, 2007

Mr. Kop Arifin (age 31) and his family live in a small village near the Mekong River about twenty kilometers north of Phnom Penh. Arifin and his wife (age 27) have been married for nine years. They have a five-year-old girl. Arifin attended school only through the third grade. His wife attended through the tenth.

Arifin and his wife are requesting this, their third loan from Maxima, to buy a fishing boat. Arifin has been fishing on the nearby Mekong River since he was young. He usually fishes with his father but, during the main fishing season, which runs from January through March, they hire up to six workers. In addition to taking care of the home and family, his wife sells the fish in a market at a village on the opposite shore of the Mekong. They also sell to roaming Vietnamese buyers who take the catch back downstream to their own country. If Arifin and his wife can save enough money, they want to build a new house. (See part of their current house behind them in photo.)

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