Monday, November 26, 2007

Vary Uch

Vary Uch
Status: Raised
$800.00 Loan Request
$800.00 Raised

About the Entrepreneur Name: Vary Uch
Business Name: Farming
Location: Kean Svay district, Cambodia
Primary Activity: Farming
Loan Requested: $800.00
Repayment Term: 12 months - repaid monthly
Loan Use: To buy a contract to purchase banana tree output from two village plots now at a specified price. She will harvest in 3-4 months and sell the bananas at the future market rate.
Date Posted: Nov 20, 2007
Date Funded: Nov 21, 2007

Mrs. UCH Vary is 39 years old, and she and her husband married in 1990. They have four children, all of whom are in school studying in grades 3-9. They live in a fertile farming area along the Tonle Bassac (river), a tributary of the Mekong, several kilometers south of Phnom Penh. She is requesting this first loan from MAXIMA in the amount of $800. She will use this loan to purchase a contract for the future harvest of two banana farms in her village. In 3 to 4 months she will sell them at a price higher than the agreed-upon price she pays today.
She has been farming since she was a teenager and buying and selling bananas for more than 15 years. Many people of Chinese descent live in Cambodia. During the celebration of Chinese New Year, bananas are used as a traditional offering and the price increases greatly. Vary also grows jasmine for use in Buddhist ceremonies and longan, a fruit similar to lychee. She sells these to retailers at one of the large markets in Phnom Penh.

Vary’s long-term hopes are to keep growing her business. She explained that the loan will allow her to buy a greater number of banana contracts for future sale, allowing her to make more income. As is typical in Cambodia, she plans to use any extra income to help her children continue their studies.

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